Welcome back! This month I felt like watercolor painting. I experimented with cutting and pasting mainly because I was concerned I'd mess up my painting, so I painted some things separately and then pasted them onto the background. By the last painting I had a little more confidence and painted every thing directly onto the watercolor paper. Lack of confidence is a big obstacle in learning to paint.....and it doesn't help if you also don't like to waste expensive watercolor paper! If I could overcome these two things I think I'd learn much faster. I also have a few more obstacles like: being a perfectionist; not liking to have to redo something from scratch (which you almost have to do with watercolor if you make a big mistake--little ones can be corrected with a special "white out"); and the biggest one is not catching on quick enough! I can be very impatient with myself.
Last month Gabriel's Tale ended with Gabriel falling asleep inside a log during a thunderstorm. . . .
Last month Gabriel's Tale ended with Gabriel falling asleep inside a log during a thunderstorm. . . .
Chapter 7 – Into the Woods